Fan Fiction- The Huntsman Winter’s War and Rapunzel

“Don’t forget I made you who you are.”

Freya remembered her sister saying this before and still hadn’t understood what she meant. As she held out her right hand little snowflakes delicately danced around her palm while she stood puzzled on Revena’s words.

“Have you lost your mind?” Revena says to Freya in disgust and annoyance at her sister’s silence.

“What did you do? How did you do this to me?” Freya asks softly as she turns to her sister. Revena turns her heel and walks back towards her mirror, her safe haven.

“What did you do?” Freya calls out impatient.

“I don’t have to answer to you.” Revena replies unable to turn towards her sister. But upon Freya’s rapid footsteps and heavy words she turns to meet her face just as Freya is behind her.

“Oh but you do. You said it yourself, you are a thing between this world and the mirror and I released you and you are now bound to me. I command you,” Her cold hands now grip on Revena’s face causing her skin to slowly transform to metallic gold of the mirror she came from.

“mirror mirror on the wall…”

Freya’s mind is filled with the vision of her sister’s memories on that terrible night. Revena’s thoughts show Freya how she manipulated the Duke by controlling his mind and setting fire to the room in which his and Freya’s daughter slept. Upon seeing this Freya releases her hands from Revena’s face in pain. She has been shown the truth of her sister’s manipulation.

Revena takes a moment to recover and realizes her sister has not seen the whole truth before letting go and didn’t see Revena’s thoughts on the entire night.

Once the mirror revealed to Revena that her sister’s daughter would soon become the fairest in the land, she knew she had to get rid of her. While a small part of her wished she didn’t have to, she still knew what she desired more than family- to be the fairest of all.

The next day she wrote a letter and had it delivered to her sister. It was signed from the Duke and it told Freya to meet him in secret in the royal garden so that he, Freya and their new born daughter could be together forever and start a new life as a family. When Freya read this letter, her heart became full and she impatiently waited the entire day to leave the castle to meet her true love.

Meanwhile, Revena had found the Duke and took control of his mind. She made him want to set fire to his daughter’s room in the castle. Not knowing, he followed orders, taking a torch from the halls and walked towards his daughters room. Revena followed closely by to keep a strong hold of his mind.

He walked to the tower and entered the child’s room and walked slowly around the edge of the room, carefully lighting everything a blaze. The sudden heat arose the baby girl and she began to cry. The Duke turned towards the sound and Revena also stepped closer to take a look at the girl. She continued to cry louder and louder, Revena looked at the Duke and had him lower the torch inside the crib. The small infant seeing this bright light and feeling the raging heat, let out a yell and a flash of light shot from her body, knocking the Duke back and causing him to drop the torch. Revena had covered her face in time of the flash and looked once again at the baby. She was unscathed and her hair was glowing. Revena reached in to touch the infant only to be burned at the finger tips.

Seeing the flames from windows, the castle nurses and guards quickly rushed into the room, grabbed a hold of the Duke, a nurse grabbed hold of the daughter and another pulled Revena out. Revena started coughing immediately and told them that the Duke had done this while she was trying to save the girl. Everyone started putting the fire out as quickly as they could.

Revena called to the nurse holding the baby, “take her to the abandon woods and find the cottage where the Dame Gothel resides. Leave her there and tell no one she has survived.” The nurse began to protest when Revena grabbed her face hard and stared into her eyes. With her mind weakened and under the control of the queen, she obeyed orders and took her to the cottage at once.

Dame Gothel lived alone and was a terrible old woman, she never trusted Revena but once the nurse maid dropped off the baby, a crow quickly followed holding a small scroll in its claws:

This child poses great threat to her majesty, queen Revena. She is to be dealt with immediately or the both of you shall suffer death. Take caution, the child is said to posses magical properties for her blood line consists of many sorceresses. Send word of her fate to the queen in two days time and you will be greatly rewarded.

Gothel looked at the sleeping child and lifted her up slowly. She walked outside to the back of her cottage past her garden. She laid the babe down  next to the Rampion flower. The scent woke the child and she began to speak soft sounds at the flower. Gothel reached in her apron pocket and took out a dagger. Her heart began to beat hard and loud and her breath became rapid. She knelt at the baby and lifted the dagger high over her head, never looking away from the child. The baby felt a sense of danger and began to panic and cry. The little one looked at Gothel just as she was bringing the blade down. Another light shot from the baby’s body and Gothel was thrown back to the ground.

Startled, she clawed at the ground to move her aching body away from the child. She sat staring at the crying girl and decided to leave the dagger on the ground. Slowly she crept back to the babe and looked at her face. A soft glow emitted from her hair and gently Gothel reached out to stroke her hair. Once her old and delicate hand touch the soft warmth of the baby’s hair, her skin became brighter and younger and she started to feel energized. She looked at the rest of her body and felt all of her skin and even her hair becoming youthful once again. Amazed and shocked, she stared at the baby who had her hand reaching out towards the closest Rampion flower. Gothel picked it and handed it to her and the baby smiled softly.

Gothel then scooped up the child, flower in hand, and walked back to her cottage. Inside, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Looking years younger and seeing every cut, scar and bruise she once had minutes before, were all healed.

Knowing the queen was expecting the death of this child, she gathered supplies in her home and all of her belongings and prepared to leave her cottage. She was heading to the abandoned tower, that laid outside of the queen’s kingdom behind the highest waterfall in the land. She quickly wrote a note out to the queen that read,

The child is no longer alive in your kingdom and I no longer reside in your kingdom either. I shall not do any more of your dark bidding and I will be where you or your dirty crows can’t ever find me.

As soon as she stepped out of her cottage, the crow that delivered the scroll waited on the gate of her fence. Aggravated, Gothel shoved her note at the crow and it let out a loud screech, the crow took it and flew away towards the castle. With the horse and small cart loaded, Gothel gathered the baby and took one last look at the cottage before settling into the cart. The horse began to trot off, pulling the two of them along. The baby still held the Rampion flower in her hand and Gothel smiled at her and cradled her closer to her.

“I will grow you a garden of Rampion and I shall call you Rapunzel.”


I hope you guys enjoyed this! I like writing fan fiction and decided to share this with you all. I’ve always been nervous about sharing my fan fiction, or sharing it actually, but I thought why not! Let me know what you think and if you want more!!

If you want to see some fan fiction art of the Hunger Games, check out this video I put on my channel!

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