InkTober anyone?

Its getting to be that time of year again for artists around the world to partake in a fun month long drawing challenge called ‘InkTober’. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, it was started by Jake Parker as a way to improve his inking skills every day for a month. Since then, its taken off and spread all over the world connecting artists together and showcasing some very amazing work.

Last year was my first time ever hearing of it. It was last minute when I decided to participate and I didn’t make it through the month. I followed the prompts that were provided from but I found myself at a loss. Instead of using it as a way to improve my inking or just to commit to the challenge, I felt inadequate and out of my league. So I gave up when I shouldn’t have.

A year has past now and I have more confidence in my skills to successfully complete the challenge. I don’t know what my inking will look like but I know that I can take my time and do what needs to be done and keep pushing to move forward.

I plan on posting a video every day of InkTober, which is another challenge in itself but hey we’re all a little crazy from time to time! I encourage you to take part in something like this, it doesn’t have to be an art challenge, just find something to improve on. Challenge yourself for 30 days. See what your results are in the end. I bet you won’t regret it!

Here is the 2017 InkTober art supply haul I made!!

3 thoughts on “InkTober anyone?

  1. This is my first time and honestly I am quite nervous. Hopefully seeing other people like yourself will keep me motivated to complete the challenge.
    God speed to you, Madelyn! Looking forward to see your work. 🙂


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