Hiatus over!

So first off, I’d like to apologize for not being active on my blog. I’ve been trying to sort a lot of my goals out for my art journey and finishing up comic book commissions. I believe I’ve come up with a new plan for my art journey and where I want to go with it.

I’m still sticking with comics and illustrations. I still have a great passion for that still. I will be publishing a webcomic that will eventually turn into a graphic novel and I will post it here, so no need to search for it on other sites. The goal with that is one a week (unless I have freelance comic deadlines) and it will look like a comic page instead of a scroll down format.

I’m still working on The Seekers graphic novel and should have vol.1 ready for preorder by December. I will have the first three chapters or group of pages free to read on my blog as well.

My YouTube channel is steadily growing and I’m so grateful for that! I recently posted a video of my customizing my art table and it was so much fun. I’ll leave that down below for you guys to watch.

I’m still attending conventions and fairs and usually post about that on my Instagram, but I will be adding in a calendar widget on my blog so you can also see upcoming events. Most of the conventions will be in the midwest because that’s where I live and traveling can get really pricey.

My Etsy shop is doing really well and I just added in a new product. They are hand drawn inked bookmarks on primed canvas. They’re also pretty large (about 3×7 inches) and have a tassle on them. They are one of my favorite things I’ve made and I can’t wait to see what others have to say about it as well! They are 10$ (shipping included) and totally unique. Here is my shop so you can get one also!

I also still have my patreon and currently the only reward other than behind the scenes look, is a monthly print.

Thanks for sticking around with me guys! I really appreciate it! Cheers to more art!

My new art table!

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