What sketchbook materials work?

Recently, on my Youtube channel, I made a video about the benefits of cheap art supplies and how to use them for sketching in particular.

This isn’t the only way to start sketching, but it is a way to free up your mind and time to getting more ideas out on paper.

Using cheaper art supplies for your sketches are to help you get the foundation of your idea on paper without having to worry about the functionality of your supplies. Getting basic art or even office supplies, that you know work, help you totally focus on what you need to get on paper.

I have used basic supplies for years and have gone through countless sketchbooks. In fact, I have so many completed sketchbooks, that I can’t even locate them all. I am a person with lots of ideas and I like to do draw them out. Sometimes, they make it into bigger illustrations, and sometimes they don’t make the cut. But one thing is true, sketching is what will make you a better artist. Hands down.

Here is the video I posted about it. I have also linked below the table top easel that I used in the video in case anyone wanted to explore that option.

tabletop easle 

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