
My First Zine!

I have put together an IndieGoGo campaign for my Inktober zine and would love for you all to head over to take a look! This is my very first zine I will be publishing and I had to come up some really cool perks to add top it! I'm so excited to get this going! … Continue reading My First Zine!

InkTober Days 3-6

I have 3 days for you guys to catch up on! Also, I'm holding a giveaway on my Instagram! Make sure you head over there to see the wonderful goodies I have! Thank you all so much for your support! New rewards available on my Patreon! Day 3 Roasted Day 4 spell Day 5 Chicken … Continue reading InkTober Days 3-6

InkTober Day 2

Today's prompt is Tranquil and I knew exactly what I wanted to include in this drawing. I didn't expect it to speak to me the way it did. I talk more about it in today's video!   I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that follows me on Instagram! I have finally … Continue reading InkTober Day 2

Inktober is here!

Let the drawings (and videos!) begin!! I have posted today's video on my channel! I also talk about my inktober plans and about the drawing itself! 🐙 Day 1 Poisonous

Handmade Canvas Bookmarks

I have recently started adding canvas bookmarks to my Etsy shop! I also have a few originals and custom sketchbook covers. I have always wanted to design bookmarks but I didn't want to print them or have them printed. I wanted something really unique and fun. So after looking around my art room for some … Continue reading Handmade Canvas Bookmarks

Self sabotage-Art Edition

I have realized that I have been sabotaging myself, more particularly my art, by not getting out of "try mode". What I mean by that is, at some point, past Madelyn wanted to try a new technique with her watercolor and ink. And when she did, she was having so much fun that she kept … Continue reading Self sabotage-Art Edition

Too much social media

One thing I value most is time. And one thing that takes up a lot of that is social media. I'm not even talking about personal social media that I use for to connect my friends and family. I'm referring to my social media for my art. Right now I have the following platforms for … Continue reading Too much social media

Oh… digital art..

I have mentioned several times in the last month that I will be publishing a webcomic. Originally it was supposed to go on but I have since changed my mind on that because the layout wasn't something I cared for. Of course, maybe one day I'll change my mind but for now I will … Continue reading Oh… digital art..

Post apocalyptic sailor jupiter!

One of my absolute favorite genres is post apocalyptic fiction. I love the idea of survival in a dystopian world.  So naturally, I am trying to make that the center of my art and I decided to create a fan art series of post apocalyptic sailor scouts. The first one I drew was sailor Jupiter. … Continue reading Post apocalyptic sailor jupiter!

Hiatus over!

So first off, I'd like to apologize for not being active on my blog. I've been trying to sort a lot of my goals out for my art journey and finishing up comic book commissions. I believe I've come up with a new plan for my art journey and where I want to go with … Continue reading Hiatus over!