Product Review update- Is it still holding up?

Some time last year, I was given a Veikk drawing tablet in exchange for my honest opinion and review. Now let's be honest, a lot of those review videos can be super phony and a little dramatic on how amazing that product is. It's understandable, they want other companies to reach out and pay them … Continue reading Product Review update- Is it still holding up?

Fun drawings

I have been working on so many projects lately that I've noticed myself getting really stressed about perfectionism.  Seems to be an enemy of mine when it comes to the things I care about.  So to shake myself from it,  I started doing these selfie doodles.  At first I was using markers, but after all … Continue reading Fun drawings

New Online Gallery

After about a year of focusing on my art, I have finally created an online gallery! To be honest, I didn't feel the need to do this because when I started this blog it was to push my writing as well as my art. Well, I don't write as often as I draw and I … Continue reading New Online Gallery

February Patreon designs!

Hello readers! Some of you know about my Patreon page and how I have been working to build it up and establish proper reward tiers that are practical for me to create and ship every month and also something enjoyable for my supporters. I feel like I have finally got to that point. For a … Continue reading February Patreon designs!

Dear Aspiring Artist

I wish there were an easier way to tell you this, but there isn't. So here goes. You need to work on your art more. Is that something that you've told yourself before? Have you done anything about it? Well, you should, better yet, you need to. If you don't, you're only going to get … Continue reading Dear Aspiring Artist

The challenge has started

[Featured image is my drawing and painting from days 2&3 from the daily challenge! Check out my Instagram for more detail on this image!] I decided this year to make a resolution to challenge me to become a better artist. I am to draw everyday, nothing too elaborate and time consuming but a good sketch … Continue reading The challenge has started

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hey everyone, this is just a quick entry to wish you all a lovely and blessed Christmas! If you're like us, you may have multiple Christmas dinners with loved ones, family and friends and if that's the case, be sure to print several of the Christmas fairy drawings or any other free coloring book pages … Continue reading Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Fairy Coloring Page

I kind of wish I did this picture last week, that way more people could have more time to color and share, but better late than never right....oh the cliché! So I hope you all enjoy this picture, this may or may not be the last one of the year as far as free coloring … Continue reading Christmas Fairy Coloring Page

Free Coloring Book Page | Flowers

Hey there! I have a free coloring book page for you and this one is kind of special! It is done in the same design as my first coloring book 'Fun for Hours'. The patterns and unique way of drawing these flowers can be found in that coloring book along with many other designs and … Continue reading Free Coloring Book Page | Flowers

Catching up with life

I have to say that I am pretty good at staying on top of tasks and getting things done. I personally don't like to procrastinate but it does seem to happen from time to time and its seems to be inadvertent when it does happen. I take on too much, I know that, and therefore … Continue reading Catching up with life