My webcomic, Metropelis, is back!

I am so happy to say that I have finally posted the first 2 pages to Metropelis on Tapas! While I wish it were 5 pages, and at first it was, I am glad that it's finally back in full swing! I will be uploading at least once a week, my goal is to have … Continue reading My webcomic, Metropelis, is back!

Product Review update- Is it still holding up?

Some time last year, I was given a Veikk drawing tablet in exchange for my honest opinion and review. Now let's be honest, a lot of those review videos can be super phony and a little dramatic on how amazing that product is. It's understandable, they want other companies to reach out and pay them … Continue reading Product Review update- Is it still holding up?

New Website Look + Updates

Hey all, I know I don't post on here as often I used to, I apologize for that. But there is a reason, and its a great one! I have been progressing my art so much that I have been picked up for a comic book for an author, character design artist for a second … Continue reading New Website Look + Updates

Disney princesses as comic book characters

So in my latest video I explain how I wanted to approach drawing out this concept. But I didnt really go into how I came up with this idea. When I first thought of it I was watching my daughter play with her Wonder Woman doll she got for her birthday. I thought to myself … Continue reading Disney princesses as comic book characters