Emoji Coloring Page

So today's free coloring page download has the ever popular emoji faces! My kids really like them, even though none of them possess a phone, so I thought it would be fun for me to draw a coloring book page with them! If you decide to color one, tag me in it on any of … Continue reading Emoji Coloring Page

Halloween Coloring Page Download!

Happy Halloween Everyone! I have another free coloring page download! There is a watermark on the bottom, so please don't remove it. These coloring pages are for your own personal use. If you like these pages, please check out my coloring book "Fun for Hours" now available on Amazon ---->Halloween Coloring page! If you color your … Continue reading Halloween Coloring Page Download!

Tree coloring book page download!

I have decided to start making free PDF downloads of coloring book pages! I will be recording the whole process and also include a coloring demo on my YouTube channel! These pages will contain a watermark (please do not remove that) and are for your own personal use, they can not be sold in any … Continue reading Tree coloring book page download!

New coloring book out!

(Some of you that have been following me may notice that I had a previous coloring book with a similar cover. I had to change the title from the previous ones and in order to do that, the ISBN has to change and so on and so on. So this is like a new edition … Continue reading New coloring book out!

Fall Artist Trading Cards

Most recently I updated my Patreon rewards to include a monthly gift of trading cards that are mailed out to my patrons who support my art. What are artist trading cards you ask? Well, they are the same as any other trading cards, that have to be the size of a playing card (2.5x3.5 inches), … Continue reading Fall Artist Trading Cards

To ink or not to ink….

So I am planning to post every Saturday for Sketchbook Saturdays. I'm sure a rogue post during the week will arise once in a while, but for but not I will post on Saturdays! So put that in your phone calendar and set an alarm! Currently I am working on a character series not just … Continue reading To ink or not to ink….

The oils

A few years ago I was introduced to essential oils and aromatherapy. I instantly loved it. I not only appreciated the scent of them, but the health benefits really are amazing. At first I used lavender and tea tree for everything, basically because I had no other knowledge of anything else at the time. But … Continue reading The oils

Saturday Sketchbook

I would like to say that Saturday Sketchbook is going to be a regular addition to my schedule now. But I would hate to promise something and then take it back. So for now, let's just say that I will strive to make Saturdays a day of show and tell in my sketchbook. This drawing … Continue reading Saturday Sketchbook

Precious Moments

Does anyone read the Precious Moments stories anymore? Or color in the coloring books? I know it's been a long time for me up until the day my husband came home from volunteering at the Salvation Army and handed me the Precious Moments 'Bible Stories' and Precious Moments 'Bedtime Stories', among other things. I couldn't … Continue reading Precious Moments

Cloud watching

The other day I was visiting a friend at her house. It was a surprisingly beautiful considering where I live.  Here the word hot is equivalent to humid. They are one in the same. And it's usually like that up until November and then it gets cold, but the fact that our bodies have been … Continue reading Cloud watching