Today’s cup of coffee – Too early

The night before I had not slept well at all. Constantly struggling to get comfortable with my 8 month pregnant belly and my 4 year old kept finding her way in my bed. So when I finally woke up that morning it was, of course, before everyone else woke up. I decided to get up … Continue reading Today’s cup of coffee – Too early

The anti-swear word coloring book

You know those coloring books that are full of profanity and flowers? They are pretty popular right now in the adult coloring book world. As much fun as it is to color a swear word that is flawlessly decorated in pretty decorations, it's not so fun to color it with the innocent eyes of my … Continue reading The anti-swear word coloring book

The taste of foot in mouth

You know that phrase 'Look before your leap'? If you haven't heard of it, it's basically a word of caution. Don't jump to conclusions. Don't make accusations before knowing the facts. Don't dive head first into something. Don't make assumptions. You know....the good advice that I just didn't follow this time to the guy with … Continue reading The taste of foot in mouth