My First Zine!

I have put together an IndieGoGo campaign for my Inktober zine and would love for you all to head over to take a look! This is my very first zine I will be publishing and I had to come up some really cool perks to add top it! I'm so excited to get this going! … Continue reading My First Zine!

InkTober Days 3-6

I have 3 days for you guys to catch up on! Also, I'm holding a giveaway on my Instagram! Make sure you head over there to see the wonderful goodies I have! Thank you all so much for your support! New rewards available on my Patreon! Day 3 Roasted Day 4 spell Day 5 Chicken … Continue reading InkTober Days 3-6

InkTober Day 2

Today's prompt is Tranquil and I knew exactly what I wanted to include in this drawing. I didn't expect it to speak to me the way it did. I talk more about it in today's video!   I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that follows me on Instagram! I have finally … Continue reading InkTober Day 2

Inktober is here!

Let the drawings (and videos!) begin!! I have posted today's video on my channel! I also talk about my inktober plans and about the drawing itself! 🐙 Day 1 Poisonous

InkTober day 3&4

Here are yesterday's and today's upload for InkTober 2017. They are pretty much filler drawings since I'm not following a prompt list. I didn't want to include too many drawings of scenes or characters designs because of time. I will say that after drawing out the Octopus tattoo, I want one on my arm now! … Continue reading InkTober day 3&4

InkTober Day 2 – Searsa

I have a voice over in this video explaining who Searsa is. I am really excited about introducing the story line more. I also didn't use white ink like I wanted. It didn't work as well as I thought yesterday so I am a little hesitant to try it again. But I will have to … Continue reading InkTober Day 2 – Searsa

InkTober Day 1- Lady Aurelia

I've been waiting to introduce my characters to you guys for so long! I'm so excited to have you all meet them and be part of their story! I will upload the videos here also and give a little back story to them when I do. Some of my videos won't have voice-overs and that's … Continue reading InkTober Day 1- Lady Aurelia

InkTober anyone?

Its getting to be that time of year again for artists around the world to partake in a fun month long drawing challenge called 'InkTober'. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it was started by Jake Parker as a way to improve his inking skills every day for a month. Since then, its taken off … Continue reading InkTober anyone?

After the storm

This weekend hurricane Matthew struck the Bahamas,  Haiti and the USA. Late Friday night it hit southeast Georgia as a category 2. And I was home with my family during this storm. Thankfully we are safe and sound with minimal damage to the outside.  The structure of our home is untouched.  My husband and I … Continue reading After the storm

Inktober begins!

Inktober is an October challenge that Jake Parker started in 2009 as a way to challenge himself and become better as an artist. Little did he know that it would become a sensation across the internet. It is now a way for artists to share their talents with ink, rise to the challenge and of course, … Continue reading Inktober begins!