Today’s cup of coffee – Muse

Today I really noticed something about my husband. For as long as I can remember, he will randomly bring me a cup of coffee or tea. I don't know what really prompts him to do it. Maybe he is making himself a cup and he ends up making one for me so I don't drink … Continue reading Today’s cup of coffee – Muse

My husband got me floated

If you are familiar with The 100 which is a show based on a novel series about the surviving human race who live on a space ship, then you will get the reference I used for the title. For those that don't, getting floated is a form of capital punishment where someone is executed by being sucked … Continue reading My husband got me floated

Death makes brothers of us all

When I first thought of posting this, it was several weeks ago and I had just read about the loss of a friend from school, another friend I had met in the last couple of years and Facebook reminded me with their wonderful 'on this day' app that I had another friend commit suicide a … Continue reading Death makes brothers of us all

Do they even care it was Mothers Day?

Yesterday was mothers day and also one of my little ones birthday. We didn't do too much considering we are still in transition for our move, but still  managed a few gifts, cupcakes, and a trip to the zoo playground. During each endeavor, I endured an astronomical amount of whining, sibling rivalry, and overall discontentment … Continue reading Do they even care it was Mothers Day?

Unscheduled meltdown

Yesterday I had a planned out day to get some art done, a video recorded, laundry caught up (or at least attempted) and finish up school with my kids. While I was reading outside with my kids and waiting to hear the dryer buzz, I was interrupted by my 6 year holding a lock of … Continue reading Unscheduled meltdown


This week has been so chaotic that I literally could not think of anything to write today. I have re written this post about five times because I want to give you something positive to start your week off tomorrow. So here we go. Today's post is really just a realization that I have grown in … Continue reading Growth

The most nostalgic Christmas

Today is the last day of 2016. Some of you are reflecting on the year and feeling many emotions over it. Maybe it was really successful and you accomplished more than you expected and maybe you didn't realize the year was ending and wished you had more time. You may also not care at all … Continue reading The most nostalgic Christmas

The shadow in the mirror

I have rewritten this blog post about four times already. This is harder than I realized. When I came up with the drawing, it was inspired by some of my friends and family reflecting on how they have treated me at one point or another in my life. There was no particular conversation that really … Continue reading The shadow in the mirror

Cloud watching

The other day I was visiting a friend at her house. It was a surprisingly beautiful considering where I live.  Here the word hot is equivalent to humid. They are one in the same. And it's usually like that up until November and then it gets cold, but the fact that our bodies have been … Continue reading Cloud watching