The shadow in the mirror

I have rewritten this blog post about four times already. This is harder than I realized. When I came up with the drawing, it was inspired by some of my friends and family reflecting on how they have treated me at one point or another in my life. There was no particular conversation that really … Continue reading The shadow in the mirror

Cloud watching

The other day I was visiting a friend at her house. It was a surprisingly beautiful considering where I live.  Here the word hot is equivalent to humid. They are one in the same. And it's usually like that up until November and then it gets cold, but the fact that our bodies have been … Continue reading Cloud watching

The taste of foot in mouth

You know that phrase 'Look before your leap'? If you haven't heard of it, it's basically a word of caution. Don't jump to conclusions. Don't make accusations before knowing the facts. Don't dive head first into something. Don't make assumptions. You know....the good advice that I just didn't follow this time to the guy with … Continue reading The taste of foot in mouth

Death by standards

There is some kind of standard in our society that states; once you are 30, your life is over and you are too old to accomplish anything. Let's break down the average person's life up until 30. 0-2 years old- everyone spends the first couple years of their lives teething (ouch) being fed different textures … Continue reading Death by standards