Hiatus over!

So first off, I'd like to apologize for not being active on my blog. I've been trying to sort a lot of my goals out for my art journey and finishing up comic book commissions. I believe I've come up with a new plan for my art journey and where I want to go with … Continue reading Hiatus over!

Advancing the storyline

I absolutely love a good 'choose your own adventure' story. It takes me back to my old computer games like purple moon's 'Rockett's New School' where you chose the next part of the story and get to see the outcome. And now, one of my favorite bloggers just started one and I'm all about it! … Continue reading Advancing the storyline


Remember in my last post when I said something to the effect of "hey, I took a break but now I'm back every Saturday" yada yada yada..?  Well, as you can probably tell, I didn't post last Saturday and it is very late in the evening on a Tuesday now when I finally started to … Continue reading So….yeah


This week has been so chaotic that I literally could not think of anything to write today. I have re written this post about five times because I want to give you something positive to start your week off tomorrow. So here we go. Today's post is really just a realization that I have grown in … Continue reading Growth

The challenge has started

[Featured image is my drawing and painting from days 2&3 from the daily challenge! Check out my Instagram for more detail on this image!] I decided this year to make a resolution to challenge me to become a better artist. I am to draw everyday, nothing too elaborate and time consuming but a good sketch … Continue reading The challenge has started

So….where is Nell?

If you remember, a few posts back I wrote about a woman named Nell whose husband was ordered out of the house by a group of men from the military because the second civil war had finally broke out. She was distraught, helpless and confused. She couldn't figure out what to do but knew that … Continue reading So….where is Nell?

Sketch to Finish

Reflecting on my own personal progress with art