Thankful thoughts

While it's the beginning of the year and we are all making goals and plans to become better, let's make sure we are also being thankful. Thankful for what we learned from last year. Thankful for hard paths taken, discipline applied, doing the right thing, getting past a hard obstacle, and not giving up...even though … Continue reading Thankful thoughts

InkTober Day 1- Lady Aurelia

I've been waiting to introduce my characters to you guys for so long! I'm so excited to have you all meet them and be part of their story! I will upload the videos here also and give a little back story to them when I do. Some of my videos won't have voice-overs and that's … Continue reading InkTober Day 1- Lady Aurelia

InkTober anyone?

Its getting to be that time of year again for artists around the world to partake in a fun month long drawing challenge called 'InkTober'. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it was started by Jake Parker as a way to improve his inking skills every day for a month. Since then, its taken off … Continue reading InkTober anyone?

RIP Camera (you annoying piece of….)

So I decided it would be a great idea to record today's YouTube video this morning. I am fully aware of my equipment's age and lag, not to mention the new slower speed of WIFI I now have in my thanks for being in the middle of farm lands. Even with all of that plus … Continue reading RIP Camera (you annoying piece of….)

Peony Lady

Hello everyone! I have a free line art download for you again! I used this line art in my YouTube three marker challenge so be sure to check that out! I have the imaged scaled to 8.5 x 5.5 so when it prints, it will only take up half of the page. It does have … Continue reading Peony Lady

Christmas Fairy Coloring Page

I kind of wish I did this picture last week, that way more people could have more time to color and share, but better late than never right....oh the cliché! So I hope you all enjoy this picture, this may or may not be the last one of the year as far as free coloring … Continue reading Christmas Fairy Coloring Page

Free Coloring Page- Native American Beauty

Coloring page download here! ----> nativeamerican   This was so much fun to draw and color, I really want to try this with more detail after I do some research about the Native American culture. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  

Pretty Patterns Hair- Coloring Page

I have another coloring page for you guys! This was inspired by one of my old drawings that I did! I really love it and I hope you do as well! If you color one, be sure to share on any of my social media sites! prettypatternhair Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // YouTube Coloring … Continue reading Pretty Patterns Hair- Coloring Page

Catching up with life

I have to say that I am pretty good at staying on top of tasks and getting things done. I personally don't like to procrastinate but it does seem to happen from time to time and its seems to be inadvertent when it does happen. I take on too much, I know that, and therefore … Continue reading Catching up with life

Japanese character design

I posted another video in my 'people around the world' series on YouTube.  This time I used the Japanese traditional clothing for my inspiration.  I really love that culture and loved in Japan for some time when I was younger.  I adore the elegance of the clothing and how is always beautifully made.  I added … Continue reading Japanese character design