InkTober Days 3-6

I have 3 days for you guys to catch up on! Also, I'm holding a giveaway on my Instagram! Make sure you head over there to see the wonderful goodies I have! Thank you all so much for your support! New rewards available on my Patreon! Day 3 Roasted Day 4 spell Day 5 Chicken … Continue reading InkTober Days 3-6

Oh… digital art..

I have mentioned several times in the last month that I will be publishing a webcomic. Originally it was supposed to go on but I have since changed my mind on that because the layout wasn't something I cared for. Of course, maybe one day I'll change my mind but for now I will … Continue reading Oh… digital art..

2 weeks left

I have 2 weeks left in my first kickstarter campaign! I went from 11% to 20% in one week but I still need your help! Raising the other 80% in 14 days really seems like a stretch, but I truly believe I can do it! I will posting images of the pins soon as an … Continue reading 2 weeks left

My first Kickstarter, now what?

Well, I've finally done it. I created a kickstarter campaign to help myself build an inventory and also make cool products for others to buy. I've been contemplateling this for months with so many thoughts and apprehensions. I read so many stories, both successful and not. I did mathematical research and product research and had … Continue reading My first Kickstarter, now what?

Drawing for over 24 hours- what I learned

Recently I decided to do a 24 hour drawing challenge. As if that wasn't enough, I also decided to record as much of the drawing/ coloring process, leaving much of the sketching off camera. As with most challenges, lessons were learned. Such as, editing 18+ hours of footage, is no walk in the park. Hats … Continue reading Drawing for over 24 hours- what I learned

New Website Look + Updates

Hey all, I know I don't post on here as often I used to, I apologize for that. But there is a reason, and its a great one! I have been progressing my art so much that I have been picked up for a comic book for an author, character design artist for a second … Continue reading New Website Look + Updates

Dear family with all those kids

Last weekend I had my art table set up at a craft event. After getting up and being awake for 5 hours with no food or coffee due to me running late, my husband text me to tell me he was on his way with the kids. When they arrived, the kids all ran to … Continue reading Dear family with all those kids

Finding my goal as an artist

Lately I've been thumbing through all of  my artwork on hand. I have noticed so many changes and more importantly growth over the years. I haven't always made or posted a new artwork for social media on a set schedule or even every month, but I have kept up with working on my art. But … Continue reading Finding my goal as an artist

Fan art or ‘OC’?

As an artist, I sometimes face the dilemma or coming up with an original character (aka OC) or drawing some fan art. I enjoy both very much and mostly I come across this issue whenever there is an event to table. There are advantages to both for sure but when it comes down to it, … Continue reading Fan art or ‘OC’?


Remember in my last post when I said something to the effect of "hey, I took a break but now I'm back every Saturday" yada yada yada..?  Well, as you can probably tell, I didn't post last Saturday and it is very late in the evening on a Tuesday now when I finally started to … Continue reading So….yeah