Advancing the storyline

I absolutely love a good 'choose your own adventure' story. It takes me back to my old computer games like purple moon's 'Rockett's New School' where you chose the next part of the story and get to see the outcome. And now, one of my favorite bloggers just started one and I'm all about it! … Continue reading Advancing the storyline

Book reviews starting!

Something I truly believe in order to becoming a better writer, is to read as much as you can. Reading different genres can really help you figure out what it is you really like and what you could really like writing about. Reading books from different authors can also help you find a writing style that … Continue reading Book reviews starting!

Dear Aspiring Artist

I wish there were an easier way to tell you this, but there isn't. So here goes. You need to work on your art more. Is that something that you've told yourself before? Have you done anything about it? Well, you should, better yet, you need to. If you don't, you're only going to get … Continue reading Dear Aspiring Artist


This week has been so chaotic that I literally could not think of anything to write today. I have re written this post about five times because I want to give you something positive to start your week off tomorrow. So here we go. Today's post is really just a realization that I have grown in … Continue reading Growth

The most nostalgic Christmas

Today is the last day of 2016. Some of you are reflecting on the year and feeling many emotions over it. Maybe it was really successful and you accomplished more than you expected and maybe you didn't realize the year was ending and wished you had more time. You may also not care at all … Continue reading The most nostalgic Christmas

So….where is Nell?

If you remember, a few posts back I wrote about a woman named Nell whose husband was ordered out of the house by a group of men from the military because the second civil war had finally broke out. She was distraught, helpless and confused. She couldn't figure out what to do but knew that … Continue reading So….where is Nell?

Passion over fear!

I have to say, the feedback I got from my previous post 'The Second Civil War', was relieving. Now, I didn't have hundreds of readers comment me saying its the best writing ever and they are sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for me to continue (although that would rock my socks off!), … Continue reading Passion over fear!

Catching up with life

I have to say that I am pretty good at staying on top of tasks and getting things done. I personally don't like to procrastinate but it does seem to happen from time to time and its seems to be inadvertent when it does happen. I take on too much, I know that, and therefore … Continue reading Catching up with life

The oils

A few years ago I was introduced to essential oils and aromatherapy. I instantly loved it. I not only appreciated the scent of them, but the health benefits really are amazing. At first I used lavender and tea tree for everything, basically because I had no other knowledge of anything else at the time. But … Continue reading The oils

Saturday Sketchbook

I would like to say that Saturday Sketchbook is going to be a regular addition to my schedule now. But I would hate to promise something and then take it back. So for now, let's just say that I will strive to make Saturdays a day of show and tell in my sketchbook. This drawing … Continue reading Saturday Sketchbook