RIP Camera (you annoying piece of….)

So I decided it would be a great idea to record today's YouTube video this morning. I am fully aware of my equipment's age and lag, not to mention the new slower speed of WIFI I now have in my thanks for being in the middle of farm lands. Even with all of that plus … Continue reading RIP Camera (you annoying piece of….)

Self Promoting Journey (plus TIPS!)

(Does anyone know where the image reference is from? I love that meme so I when I thought of this post, I figured that would be a good drawing! Share this with your friends to see if they get the reference) On November 11th I made a pact with myself that I would promote my … Continue reading Self Promoting Journey (plus TIPS!)

Japanese character design

I posted another video in my 'people around the world' series on YouTube.  This time I used the Japanese traditional clothing for my inspiration.  I really love that culture and loved in Japan for some time when I was younger.  I adore the elegance of the clothing and how is always beautifully made.  I added … Continue reading Japanese character design

Emoji Coloring Page

So today's free coloring page download has the ever popular emoji faces! My kids really like them, even though none of them possess a phone, so I thought it would be fun for me to draw a coloring book page with them! If you decide to color one, tag me in it on any of … Continue reading Emoji Coloring Page

The pressure is off!

So as you know, I took up the inktober challenge this month and have been doing updates on the inking and other pieces of artwork that I have. Well, I stopped with the daily challenge. And to be honest, I don't regret it at all. With 5 kids, post hurricane clean up, squeezing in moments … Continue reading The pressure is off!

Saturday Sketchbook

I would like to say that Saturday Sketchbook is going to be a regular addition to my schedule now. But I would hate to promise something and then take it back. So for now, let's just say that I will strive to make Saturdays a day of show and tell in my sketchbook. This drawing … Continue reading Saturday Sketchbook

Precious Moments

Does anyone read the Precious Moments stories anymore? Or color in the coloring books? I know it's been a long time for me up until the day my husband came home from volunteering at the Salvation Army and handed me the Precious Moments 'Bible Stories' and Precious Moments 'Bedtime Stories', among other things. I couldn't … Continue reading Precious Moments

The Flash

This is my newest drawing on YouTube. I watched the first season on Netflix and was impressed. I like how they brought the character into our world now and Grant Gustin was a great choice to play Barry Allen. If you haven't watched the show yet and enjoy comic book heroes, you should check it … Continue reading The Flash

Throwback Thursday

I have another Throwback for you all today. It's a YouTube time lapse drawing I did right around the release of the first Hunger Games movie. I had read all three books in four days just before seeing the premier. So all the details of the story were fresh in my head. While reading them, … Continue reading Throwback Thursday